
If you’ve never heard of Puggles before don’t worry, you’re not the only person who is looking rather bewildered and raising their eyebrows in question. What you should know beforehand is that once you learn what Puggles are, you might be raising your eyebrows in disbelief instead.

Puggles are, to put it clearly and concisely, a new breed of dog which has been crossed with a Pug father and a Beagle mother. The resulting dog, then? Something that is definitely a cross between a pug and a beagle and the cutest thing to come into the public eye since, well, since “cute” came into being!

If that was overly enthusiastic for your taste and you feel that you need a more conservative approach to finding out everything about Puggles, continue reading, the gushing part is over and done with. You’ll know exactly what we were talking about when you come face-to-wrinkled-snozzle, with your first Puggle.

So what make Puggles ideal pets, over and above their cute cross-bred features? Two things mainly, the first being that they make great family pets, they’re relatively easy to maintain, and they are intelligent and loyal. Well, that was four things really, but these are the ones that really count when it comes down to the crunch.

Other things like genetic illnesses and such are also important, but depends more upon the Puggle breeders and the breeding methods than anything else. If you are looking at Puggles to take as a new pet and you’re worried about genetic illnesses and diseases from both the Beagle side and the Pug side, your best bet is to question the breeders about what their breeding program entails and what your risks are with the cross-bred Puggles.

There are of course other things that you will want to look at when getting Puggles as family pets and these include temperament, intelligence, energy levels, and trainability among other things. There’s also the little factor of where you live and whether it is suitable for Puggles.

For instance, if you live in hot climes you will find that you need to keep your Puggle more in the shade and the cool, than with other dogs. You will also need to be careful when exercising Puggles, especially in hot weather as they can overheat quickly and get heat related illnesses.

It should also be noted that over and above all of these traits you will want to look at Puggles only if you have the time, energy and the inclination to keep your active Puggle, active. Puggles are an active dog breed and you will find that they just love to romp and play.

Puggles are also a loving kind of dog that thrives on much love and attention. So if you feel that you, or rather the Puggles, fits the bill to become your new pet don’t hesitate to go and find that perfect Puggle companion for you.