acne diet guide  

Article Title: Natural Acne Treatments For A Healthier Skin: Part 2

Author Name: Gregory De Villiers

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Article Text: Treat Acne Naturally With An Acne Diet

The importance of nutrition in preventing, controlling and eliminating has already been touched upon. Let us take a closer look at how controlling what we eat can treat acne naturally. Without a question your diet can influence the way you look and feel. Research has shown time and again that certain food items make you feel good while some make you unwell and unhealthy. It is good for you to identify those food types which are healthy for you and to include these in your diet.

An Acne Food Plan

1. If you suffer from acne, it will be helpful to reduce your intake of milk. Your meal plan should not have more than maximum two glasses of milk per day. There are a number of hormones in cow's milk which can be harmful to your skin.

2. Eat a lot of fish. Fish is well known to have the omega 3 oils that are so good for the heart and surprisingly also for the skin. Hence, if you want a natural remedy, you need to eat more fish.

3. Have as little sugar as you can. Sweets, sugary drinks, cookies, chocolates and similar things which contain sugar should be avoided at all costs to help remedy acne by natural means.

4. Studies have shown that the levels of sebum in and on the skin are directly related to the presence of acne. Adopting a plant-based, low fat food diet may help to reduce the levels of sebum in and on your skin, thereby improving your acne.

5. Try and increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet which are loaded with acne-fighting vitamins and antioxidants.

The goal in treating whether by natural means or conventional medications, is to reduce the levels of sebum (oils) in and on your skin. Concentrate on keeping your skin oil-free with a healthy meal plan.

Vitamins For A Natural Acne Remedy

Like other organs of the body, skin needs the correct amount of vitamins for its health. The skin defends the body against external harmful agents as well as excreting toxic compounds through glands and pores. Therefore, it is matter of common sense to conclude the importance of taking the necessary amount of vitamins for to assist the body's healing mechanism. Here are some of the vitamins and minerals that can be used as part of a natural treatment regimen. For more advice on vitamins and antioxidants, visit

Vitamin A

Studies have revealed that reduced levels of vitamin A in the body can result in or aggravate acne. The main process whereby vitamin A prevents or improves is by reducing the production of sebum ( a natural oil that is produced in the skin to lubricate it). Vitamin A also serves another necessary function for the skin and overall health by serving as an antioxidant. Antioxidants help to eliminate toxic free radicals in the body. Green leafy vegetables, yellow or orange fruits and carrots are the best natural sources for vitamin A.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B is actually a group of vitamins containing Thiamine (vitamin B1), Riboflavin (vitamin B2), Niacin (also called Nicotinic Acid/Niacinamide, vitaminB3), Pantothenic Acid, Pyridoxine (vitamin B6), and Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). The vitamin B complex help to keep the skin's health. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) is notably important due to its antioxidant role . A lack of vitamin B can precipitate or exacerbate acne. Natural food sources of vitamin B complex include sweet potatoes, avocados, green pepper, chickpeas, bananas, blackcurrants and watermelons.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps in in the production of collagen in the body. Collagen is the connective tissue found in skin and bones. Also, vitamin C fortifies immunity and fights against infections. One should bear in mind that is a skin infection and improving immune function assists in the fight against acne. Vitamin C also boosts the body's healing powers and helps in the absorption of iron. Smoking, taking antibiotics or oral contraceptives depletes your body's vitamin C levels. If you fall into any of these categories, you will need to proportionately increase your vitamin C intake. Natural sources of vitamin C are oranges, grapefruit, lemons, blackcurrants and blackberries.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another vital vitamin for a natural treatment. It has antioxidant properties that work to heal and repair skin tissues. Vitamin E protects against cellular damage by checking the oxidation of fats and also by inhibiting the development of free radicals. A recommended daily dose of vitamin E is 400 IU.

Besides the use of vitamins to improve symptoms of acne, the minerals zinc and chromium are also effective in the battle against acne.

In conclusion, there are several natural remedies which sufferers can try that have been shown to be effective in eliminating acne. Investigate each treatment option carefully and choose the right one for your skin.

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Note to Publishers: You may freely republish this article as is, without editing or modification, and all links must be kept live. The author, Gregory De Villiers, writes on a variety of health and wellness topics. Visit for more information on natural as well as conventional treatments.

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