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Article Title: Calming Teenage Acne: How To Smooth Troubled Skin With A Holistic Approach... 7 Key Steps

Author Name: By Karen Cohen

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To calm teenage the skin must be balanced both internally and externally. Getting back to nature from the inside out can rebalance the glands, keep the skin bacteria-free, and allow it to heal more quickly. The world�s oldest home remedies rely on herbs, essential oils (yes, oils), and ancient relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation and soft martial arts. Teenagers can take control of their and create smoother, clearer skin through small yet powerful lifestyle changes. This holistic approach to solving teenage acne problems addresses the whole person, body, mind, and spirit. The 7 keys to smoothing troubled skin are:

1) Treating skin problems is an inside job. The skin is considered the third kidney, as it is another organ of elimination that the body uses to externalize oils and toxins not excreted otherwise. Acne can be affected by the food you eat. Although no foods have been proven to cause in all sufferers, some people have adverse reactions to nuts, fats, fried foods, milk products, fried and oily foods and chocolate. Experiment carefully and eliminate the offenders.

2) Clean up your act. Hygiene is really important. You can benefit from washing your face 2 or 3 times a day. If you wear make-up be sure to wash it off completely every night. Use a mild, unperfumed cleanser. Add one drop of juniper oil and one drop of lemon oil to about 1/4 cup of cleanser. Essential oils have antiseptic properties that help keep bacteria in check. Keep hands and hair clean as well and always try to keep hair off of face.

3) Don�t get too clean. Avoid using soaps or cleansers that dry out the skin or cause redness. Although people with and oily skin have an aversion to applying moisture (oil) to the skin, any skin needs a little oil to protect and lubricate it. To try and remove all oil only starts a vicious circle, as the glands try to produce more to replace what has been lost. Avoid using alcohol as an astringent because it over dries the skin. Witch hazel solutions are more effective astringents.

4) Vitamin A, vitamin B-complex, vitamin E, and zinc are helpful for acne.Check with your doctor for the proper dosages. Too much can be dangerous. Some studies suggest that 135 mg. zinc is as effective as antibiotics (tetracycline) for treating acne.

5) Use an herbal treatment. Take tincture of myrrh, dilute it in a small bowl of water, and use a cotton ball or pad to wipe your face. Myrrh�s antiseptic and astringent properties can both treat and prevent acne. Use daily. Another treatment involves steaming your face or putting a compress on it (for 10 minutes) with a special essential oil solution. To very hot water add 2 drops juniper oil, 2 drops bergamot oil and 2 drops lavender oil. Either cover head with a towel and steam face or place soaked cloth over face. Splash skin with cool water afterwards and apply a tiny bit of oil mixture.

6) Make a natural toner. You can use any natural toner without chemicals or perfume. Witch hazel mixed with equal parts of strong chamomile tea is excellent. Add to a pint of your toner 2 drops of juniper oil, 2 drops of bergamot oil and 2 drops of lemon oil. Use toner after cleansing face. The essential oils help rebalance the glands and protect the skin from bacteria.

7) Emotional turmoil can wreck havoc on the skin by disturbing digestive and endocrine functions. Acknowledge emotions without indulging them. Research has shown that people with have higher levels of anxiety and anger than others. Relaxation exercises may help lessen this tension and help develop an inner beauty as well. Consider yoga, meditation, or soft martial arts for a cosmic beauty beyond cosmetic beauty.

Karen Cohen is wellness coach living in rural Virginia. Karen began her lifelong study of herbs and essential oils as a young teenager. A mother of three children (10, 16, and 24) she has helped them all have healthy skin the holistic way. An expert yoga, meditation and fitness instructor, Karen is available for individual and group coaching, seminars and dynamic workshops internationally. She can be reached at 540/570-4791 or at http://www.RockbridgeMag.com

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