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Article Title: Is There Anything Like The Best Acne Treatment For Rosacea?

Author Name: Javier

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Article Text: Rosacea is not a rosy state of affairs for your face. It has the appearance of bad acne. It normally selects cheeks, the best part of your face, for its unpleasant operation. You have severe redness and soaring of the skin. Mouth and forehead are the other favorite spots for rosacea. Even the best of treatments prescribed can not assure you of a permanent rosacea cure.

This is another pro-women disease. It attacks women more than the men. Normally it visits you after the age of 30, but this is not the thumb rule. It can surprise you at any time. Moreover this skin culprit is hereditary in nature.

Since its presence is very strong, visible and prominent, it may lead you to an awkward situation. There is no definite cure for rosacea. But several treatment options can be tried. So always take a final decision about the treatment in consultation with your dermatologist only.

Correct diagnosis in suspected case of rosacea is necessary, to find out whether it is actually rosacea. If it actually is, the dermatologist will decide the line of treatment suitable to the type of your rosacea attack.

Till date, pulsed light technology or laser technology is considered as the best treatment for rosacea. Rosacea causes redness of the skin. Laser heats the skin to the level that reduces or eliminates the redness. Most of the over the counter products do not go well with its treatment. So the best person to decide upon the right rosacea treatment for you is your dermatologist.

What is agonizing about rosacea is that it appears not as one to one cyst. It is characterized by reddish discoloration of the facial skin, the targeted areas being cheeks, nose and the forehead.

Since it targets the fair-skinned people more, its presence is prominently exhibited. Along with rosacea, pimples too may make their presence, but no whiteheads or blackheads will appear. Some of the implications of rosacea are frightening.

Initially, redness comes and goes, as if rosacea is doing rehearsals. Treat it at this stage itself, otherwise you are inviting more damage to your facial skin. Puffy cheeks and disfigurement of the nose are not uncommon, if you neglect the treatment.

In such a situation, cosmetic surgery is the only alternative. Severe cases of rosacea can even impair your vision. You are lucky, if your dermatologist is able to identify the root cause of your rosacea condition, in the first stage of attack. This is only possible when you report to your dermatologist in the first stage of its attack. So don�t keep sitting to ignore the red soars on your cheeks.

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