neck acne guide  

Article Title: Picking A Right Acne Treatment Product

Author Name: Javier

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Article Text: By looking at the vast array of over the counter medications, and impressed by the pep talk of the salesman, you feel that you are going to win over the skin! But you also know the basic truth- there is no total remedy, until this date, which promises you the authentic treatment of acne.

Strange are the happenings in this modern scientific era. You have built mighty ships, and giant planes. You have reached the moon and are about to challenge the mars! But you don't know about this acne, these simple whiteheads and blackheads!

Acne has a cosmopolitan approach. It doesn't target the particular section of humanity. Babies, children, teenagers, adults, women and senior citizens- it attacks all! Since you don't know the total cure for your acne, you need to develop a particular strategy to treat it.

With on the march now, who are your enemies at the moment? Oil glands- which are engaged in overtime production of oil, bacteria- that cause the eruption or dead skin cells- that lead to clogged pores? You need to treat and attack each one of them. Each one them is capable of causing maximum damage to your condition. They need to be eliminated.

The oldest and the best acne skin care treatment is Benzoyl Peroxide. It is available in the form of gels, lotions and creams. Its primary job is to fight bacteria, on the surface of the skin. It dries and peels the skin and thus contains the acne. In most of the skin care and products, this is used. You need to take it for four to six weeks, to get the full results.

Antibiotics are the second line of defense in the skin care treatment. They take care of the bacteria. Antibiotics are the part of many creams, gels and lotions. They are mainly given as part of the oral medication. They are Erythromycin, Tetracycline and Clindamycin. The antibiotics have the anti-inflammatory effect that go to reduce the swelling and redness of eruptions.

As already indicated, is the outer manifestation on the skin, the inner impurities. While most of these medicines take care of the outer aspect of the skin, there are certain medications that travel deep into the skin. A prescription medicine such as Adapalene reduces the build-up of dead skin cells within the pores.

Most of these skin care products may or may not show side effects on the users. Some of the side effects can even be damaging to your overall health, if they surface. So, consultation with the doctor is sincerely advised, before you go for such over the counter medications.

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